Victory Over Communism with Bill Gertz


Communism didn’t end with the Cold War….

Unfortunately, communism did not end with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Under the Chinese Communist Party, communism is making a comeback with devastating results and must be opposed.

China’s communist rulers are on the march. According to Chinese Communist Party supreme leader Xi Jinping, the world will soon be under the domination of China’s anti-democratic communist system.

Domestically, Marxist radicals of the 1960s long ago shifted tactics and began their own Chinese-style Long March through the institutions of America. Over the ensuing decades, Marxists infiltrated all segments of society and are seeking nothing less than the ideological takeover of the country.

To meet these twin challenges, a new podcast called Victory Over Communism with Bill Gertz was launched in April 2022 by veteran national security journalist and New York Times bestselling author Bill Gertz.


July 17, 2024

To paraphrase Karl Marx and the Communist Manifesto, a specter is haunting China. It is the specter of Historical Nihilism. This episode reveals how the Chinese Communist Party is conducting a major Marxist-Leninist ‘rectification’ campaign to ruthlessly stamp out what it regards as a major ideological threat called historical nihilism — code for anyone or anything that opposes Chinese communist ideology and is seeking to expose its murderous past. The counterproposal presents a Judeo-Christian counter to historical materialism, and the news section explores the new Cold War with China. The interview portion includes a segment from Chris Chappel’s excellent program China Uncensored on how the CCP is redefining terms to promote its ideology. This episode is must listening!

June 21, 2024

No single person in the history of American Marxism did more to influence radical revolutionaries than Saul Alinsky (1909-1972). His book Rules for Radicals remains the go-to revolutionary tract outlining how to gain political power under the rubric of community organizing. A generation of American Marxists and leftist U.S. political leaders, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, are among his ardent admirers. Alinsky pioneered the Marxist technique of fueling social unrest, resentment and grievances in pursuit of political power in America. The counterproposal section for this episode offers a Judeo-Christian alternative to Marx’s historical materialism. The news portion looks at impact of leftist policies under the Biden administration and how they are being played down during the presidential election. The interview section hears from Mike Gonzalez, co-author of the important new book NextGen Marxism: What It Is and How to Combat It. Must listening!

June 5, 2024

Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping, a neo-Maoist orthodox communist, is reviving the false ideological precept that Marxism-Leninism is scientific. Boasting a doctorate in “scientific socialism,” Xi is forcing this dogma on the 98 million members of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who are then spreading it worldwide as part of plans for overthrowing the U.S.-led system of democracy and free markets. For the counterproposal section, this episode further expands on what I’m calling the VOC world view that provides a powerful Judeo-Christian system of values and practice in seeking solutions to problems communism will never solve. The news portion is based on a report that explains the Marxist-Leninist underpinnings of CCP expansionism today and its goal of world domination. My interview is with Brad Thayer, co-author of the new book Embracing Communist China: America’s Greatest Strategic Failure. Must listening!




The Victory Over Communism podcast is a project of The Gertz File Investigative Reporting Project, launched in November 2020. The project conducts major investigative and in-depth reporting on a range of national security and international affairs topics.

Each hour-long podcast takes on the ideology of Chinese communism, also known as Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics, by exposing its fallacies and the deadly consequences of Chinese Communist Party rule in China since 1949. 

Closer to home, the podcast also tackles the problem of  American Marxism, a different ideology from its Chinese variant that has been quietly and effectively advancing radical policies and culture that the podcast will reveal has been undermining traditional American ideas of freedom, liberty, and democracy.

The podcast is not limited to simply critiquing communism and Marxism. Significantly, the biweekly programs also present a unique faith-based counterproposal that applies Judeo-Christian principles to exposing communism’s false ideas. This, ultimately, is the most effective way to defeat these destructive ideologies.

In addition to the critique and counterproposal format, the hour-long podcast features news, commentary, and interviews with thought leaders. New programs are posted every two weeks.

Victory Over Communism is divided into four segments: A critique of Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics or American Marxism, followed by a reasoned and in-depth critique of the fundamental tenets and activities of these ideologies.

The last two segments feature the latest news and commentary based on Gertz’s decades of experience as a Washington reporter and his unmatched stable of news sources.

Last, the podcast will interview a key newsmaker or thought leader on the topics of the podcast.

The overall objective of the podcast is to educate the public in the United States and the world about the series of threats to freedom and democracy posed by communist ideology and its offshoots. Anti-communism throughout the years has been laudable in its efforts but has been unable to counter the religious-like spread of communism. It is the central tenet of the podcast that the best way to confront and defeat a communist ideology with a reasoned and rational faith-based counterproposal that will provide hope for overcoming the world’s problems and seeking to build a better world through education and activities.

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